_Nasal Cavity Structures & Paranasal Sinuses atf.mp4
1 Lateral wall of nasal cavity Kenhub-Lateral wall of the nasal cavity.mp4
The organs of respiratory system open ultimately into the respiratory tract (there is no associated organs like Digestive systems) these organs are:
- Nasal cavity: first part of the respiratory tract.
- Pharynx: for passage of air
- Larynx (second lecture).
- Trachea.
- Bronchi: in each lung, there is 10 bronchopulmonary segments
- Bronchioles.
- Alveoli.
- Bronchioles end in alveoli (a cluster of air sacs) which are the main building unit that performs the lung function.
- we have billions of them in the lungs, they’re responsible for gas exchange, they are surrounded by a very large network of blood capillaries (the largest capillaries in the body) to give a large surface area for gas.
- The lungs are surrounded by pleura and they are two types:
Parietal pleura: lines the thoracic cage -to be specific walls of the pleural cavity-
Visceral pleura that adheres to the lungs