1. Metabolic effects:

A. Carbohydrates (Hyperglycemic & Diabetogenic):

B. Fat (Lipolytic & Ketogenic):

C. Protein (Catabolic):

  1. Permissive action: Cortisol enhances the capacity of glucagon and catecholamines, hence the term "permissive" describes many of the actions of cortisol.


  1. H2O & Electrolytes:

  2. Blood Cells:

  3. Stress:

  1. Bone: - Cortisol inhibits bone formation through several mechanisms: o It reduces the synthesis of type 1 collagen, which is the main component of the bone matrix. o It slows down the formation rate of active osteoblasts. o It decreases the absorption of Ca and PO4 from the intestine due to its anti-vitamin D action, and increases the renal excretion of these ions. This results in less calcium available for bone mineralization. o Cortisol also increases the rate of bone resorption, that’s why osteoporosis is a major side effect of cortisol.

  1. Anti-inflammatory: Inflammation refers to various responses to tissue injury, characterized by local redness, heat, swelling, pain, and loss of function. High levels of cortisol, whether secreted naturally or injected, decrease the synthesis, secretion, and action of IL1. This can:

  1. Anti-allergic: Certain antibodies, when combined with their antigens, lead to the release of histamine and leukotrienes from mast cells, causing many allergy symptoms. Glucocorticoids don't affect the combination of antigen and antibody, but they prevent histamine release and block the formation of leukotrienes. Administering glucocorticoids can relieve symptoms of asthma, delayed hypersensitivity reactions, and many other allergic conditions.

  1. Immunity: High concentrations of glucocorticoids interfere with antibody production from B lymphocytes, reducing circulating levels of immunoglobulins and suppressing humoral immunity. Excess glucocorticoids suppress cellular immunity by blocking lymphocyte IL2 production, which decreases T-lymphocytes proliferation.

Physiological effect of Aldosterone

  1. Aldosterone primarily targets the kidney, where it significantly increases Na+ reabsorption by the principal cells of the kidney's collecting ducts. Since water is reabsorbed alongside Na+, aldosterone can be perceived as controlling the amount of Na+ rather than its concentration in the ECF.